Sentinel HD55 stopped running and display "froze" and no buttons would work.

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Brand new Sentinel HD55 running for approximately 3 days reduced humidity in basement from 58% to 43% before stopping overnight with 43% on display with humidity level set to 36%. No buttons would work when pressed including the power on/off. I unplugged the unit, waited 30 seconds, and plugged it back in. Seems to be operating properly again but I would like to know what happened and if I have an issue that needs to be addressed.


Hi Dennis,

Judging by the description of the problem with the motherboard, it's recommended to replace it with a new machine.

I'm here for the exact same thing. For weeks it's been stuck at 52. WOW I thought! It took all the humidity out and doesn't need to run. Well my humidity gauge is reading 59%. So I climbed up there and it was stuck as you described. No buttons would work. I turned it off and waited. Now it's running trying to dehumidify from 72%. It's not even a month old. 

So the solution is really mail it back and get another one? Can't just change the motherboard? 

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