
Why Are Air Scrubbers And Air Conditioners a Winning Combination?

AlorAir Team | November 9, 2021

Almost all modern buildings today are equipped with non-stop air conditioning systems. From office spaces to residential areas, air conditioning is considered a compulsory element. However, despite the numerous benefits, air conditions can worsen indoor air quality substantially. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has reported that indoor levels of some pollutants can be two to …

Why Are Dehumidifiers Crucial in the Automotive Industry?

AlorAir Team | November 8, 2021

Fluctuations in humidity levels can create many potential problems for industrial operations and manufacturing. Inappropriate humidity can also increase uncertainty about the value of a product, which can be a scary thing for investors. Among them, the auto industry has a good market in the world. Cars are expensive goods, so they generate good profits …

How a Dehumidifier Can Help Your Basement in the Winter?

AlorAir Team | November 4, 2021

Winter is the time when humidity becomes a highly critical issue. Unlike the summer times, windows and all the sources of natural air circulation in the house remain closed. It traps the moisture and humidity levels start to increase. Things get even worse when there are more people in the house, the humidity can exceed …

5 Situations When You Should Buy an Air Scrubber

AlorAir Team | November 3, 2021

Do you own an air scrubber? If not, should you? For that, let’s go over what an air scrubber is first.    Most of us go on our whole lives living a way where we don’t even think things like air scrubbers are necessary. That’s usually because we aren’t really aware of all of the …

Why We Need Air Mover?

AlorAir Team | October 28, 2021

Many people confuse air movers with fans. Air movers are indeed similar to fans. For example, their function is to circulate air in the space they operate. Unlike fans, air movers work in a centralized area and can start and stop immediately. At present, commercial air movers are top-rated in the market because they can …

The Benefits of Using an Air Scrubber During Winter Months

AlorAir Team | October 26, 2021

Cold winter weather forces people to spend most of the day indoors, making an air scrubber an important addition to every home.   Unlike during the summer, opening windows and doors allows cool breezes to blow toxic air out and let fresh air into the home.   However, during harsh winter months, windows and doors …

How to Prevent Electronic Device Failure with a Dehumidifier

AlorAir Team | October 19, 2021

How do you keep your electronics from failing? That’s easy – you use a dehumidifier! This handy device can prevent corrosion and failure of circuit boards, USB ports, and other sensitive components, resulting in data loss or expensive repair costs. Here’s how to get the most out of your dehumidifier and keep your electronics safe, …

The Function Of Dehumidifier In Storing Products

AlorAir Team | October 14, 2021

To avoid spoilage of stored food, the humidity of stored food should be kept below 50%. If the humidity reaches 70 %, it is enough to form mold growth. Some industrial products can become corrode or lumpy because of the moisture. There are two ways can solve this problem. One is to use a heating …

The Role Of The Dehumidifier In Preventing Icing

AlorAir Team |

The food industry has to face various challenges every day, and one of the challenges is to prevent the icing on the food. Ice, frost, and fog are ordinary phenomena in the refrigerant manufacture essential infrastructure. However, it may cause various malfunctions and accidents, and it can result in production losses. Install a dehumidifier of …

How Dehumidifiers Can Increase The Market Value Of Your Property?

AlorAir Team | October 7, 2021

If you want to get the desired value for your property you must present it in an appropriate manner. Today, the real estate market is a highly competitive area and you must be well-prepared to handle it. There are many factors that can give you a competitive edge and better ROI, and one of those things …

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