HD35P Has been running for 4 days but not pumping any water.

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Dehumidifier is in a very small crawl space approximately 175 sq ft.  Has maintained humidity in the 50% range but no water has been pumped out.  Fan is expelling warm air sioI assume the compressor is operating.    External hydrometer indicates a fairly steady hiumidity, but shows humidity dropping to around 47% for about a 7 minute run time and then a rise in humidity to around 53-54% humidity for about 7 minutes.  I assume the machine is cyling on and off

Any ideas why no liquid has been expelled after 4 days??

Asked on Jun 25, 2024 - 07:06:01am

Hi Edward, it is recommended that you set the humidity to run in CO mode and check whether there is water drained out after 2 hours. In addition, please tell us the current ambient temperature and humidity so that our engineers can troubleshoot the problem. Thank you.

Current temp in the crawl space is 79 degrees F.  Humidity currenrly at 38 %  Will try continuos mode in the morning

Current temp in the crawl space is 79 degrees F.  Humidity currenrly at 38 %  Will try continuos mode in the morning

So I put it in continuos mode overnight.  8 hours in continuos mode did generate liquid and the pump worked.  There is a small amount of water in the container that I placed under the hose where it exits my house to the exterior.  Does that mean the short cycling in non continuous mode is not removing water?  I do not want to use continuos all the time due to possibility of overheating.  The unit brought levl down to 33% and raised temperature to 82 degrees F 

Dear Edward, our dehumidification relative humidity range is 35% to 90% ± 5%. If you do not set the continuous mode, you can adjust the machine to a certain set humidity. When the set humidity is reached, the machine will enter standby mode. The principle of a dehumidifier is to discharge dry air back into the dehumidified space. Therefore, when it is dry, the indoor temperature will be relatively high.

I understand that the machine generates heat.  But if the unit is not in continuos mode, why does it not expell any moisture?  I suspect it is short cycling because it is too big for my crawl space.  Is this correct?  found this and similar explanations on another site  :

"An oversized dehumidifier will short cycle. The same reasons apply to a dehumidifier as do a short cycling AC. When the unit cycles on, it is using energy, but for the first few minutes, the coil is not below dewpoint and is not removing humidity. When it cycles off, the water on the coil evaporates back into the air, adding to the moisture load. Remember, the dehumidifier also adds sensible heat, which is an additional energy penalty. We accept that penalty as long as it is removing moisture, but an oversized dehumidifier doesn’t do that.

This brings us to the other main reason why we shouldn’t oversize a dehumidifier. Most dehumidifiers put out hot, dry air. This is because they work like miniature AC units. The condenser is downstream of the evaporator and reheats the air before it leaves the unit."

So I ran another test today in coontinuos mode  The pump expelled a bit less than half a pint of water over a six hour period   tjhe humidy was brought down from 49% to around 32% during thsat entire time  Outside humoidity accordin g to phone weather report was 69%    If the dehumidifier is not in continuous mode it does not nremove any water.  What ius the problem,  refrigerant or is the humiudifdier too big for the space ??


Dear Edward, your current ambient humidity is relatively low, so the amount of water discharged will be relatively low. The non-draining in non-continuous mode may be because the set humidity has been reached. Can you provide a video of the machine in action? We would like to see what the coil temperature and set humidity are.

So the relative humidity in Maryland  has been between 75-89% for two of the last three days and the unit is now expelling about half a pint of water every 12 hors (estimate.)  A technician from the encapsulation company happend to stop by for an inspection and he looked at the unit and made some air measurementas and felt  it was working properly.  I had been advised by Alor tech support to return the unit to Amazon for a replacment due to likely low refrigerant levels, but I have now decided to keep this one. 


Thanks for all your advice 

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