Cont. Defrost always on - hd55 doesnt produce water

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as the title states, my alorair sentinel hd55 the continuous defrost light is always on, no matter how long i let the unit rest. It does not put out any water. Any help appreciated. The unit is less than 4 months old when it started. 


Hi Jim,

If there have reaction when you switch the machine

I dont understand the reply, can you ask another way?

When I switch the machine, when I switch what? Do you mean a function? 

Hi Jim,

Does the power button respond?

yes, if i press the power button, the machine will turn off or on completely, no problem

also, when i turn the unit on, yes, the cont defrost light is always on, but the compressor runs for a few seconds/short while, but it cuts off quickly

Hi Jim,

According to the description: the switch can be operated normally, there is no water after prolonged operation, the compressor stops for a while, and the cooling system is defective, which may be caused by refrigerant leakage or compressor problems, thank you !

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